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About Us

Hi!  My name is Annie and my mother and I dreamed up B-roke Opera.  I am a music lover, singer and homeschool mom.

A couple of years ago, I wasn't feeling well, but I ignored the symptoms and tried to push through.  I was taking a dance class, had a singing gig a couple of hours from my home to prepare for, and I was homeschooling our son.  

The day I was supposed to be performing at my gig, I ended up in the ER because of a very rapid heart rate.  It had gotten so bad that I couldn't sleep or even rest.  I couldn't take any kind of heat, and I thought my dance class would be the end of me.

I was diagnosed with a panic attack and sent on my way with beta blockers and anxiety medication.  I didn't feel that diagnosis was right, but I didn't know what to do, so I finally got to see my regular doctor.  She didn't like that my symptoms hadn't really gotten much better, so she sent me to a cardiologist.  The cardiologist decided to check my thyroid, and that was it.  I was hyperthyroid.

After many struggles, many doctors, and a lot of help from some good friends, I am now feeling much better and I am not on medication. 

When I first began feeling better, I asked my mom if she would play a song from Dido and Aeneas for me so I could sing it and make a video.  I had always wanted to do it, and I thought I should start pursuing some of my interests that I had put off for so long.

She got it done for me, I recorded it, and that was our first B-roke Opera video, Oft She Visits.  We joked about doing the whole opera after that, but somehow it turned into a reality.  

At some point along the way, I realized what a great opportunity this could be for my son.  I started realizing that I could make huge amounts of lessons based on this one opera.  It could be a great learning experience for him.

When I shared this idea with other homeschoolers, they were very interested.  So I finally decided that B-roke opera should be a commuity educational experience.  It isn't just for homeschoolers, though.  If you are an adult, retired, have kids in public or private school, this is still a place for you!  We want to be a community where people can learn, grow, and have fun together!  I hope you will join us.  

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